September 21, 2021

Size: 12.5"x24.5"x3.5"
Medium: Oil Paint, 22k Genuine Gold,
Cotton Bristol, 3.5 Gallons Of Art Resin, On A Box Frame,
Wrapped In Kauai Koa Wood.
Aloha welcome to the first online view of my new painting Endurance, finished on September the 21st and on a night with a brilliant full moon halo of all things. The 2" inch thick resin on Koa wood box frame is the thickest resin painting I have created. This deep glass effect gives you a view of the painting through a multi dimension with layers of sparkling gold and shadows. I named this piece "Endurance" for the times we are in with this pandemic. The strong towering wave depicts the strength moving forward over stormy seas. Most of my wave paintings unknowingly reflected my unique journey along with my surroundings. This all took a shift at the beginning of the pandemic and shows in the style of my most recent works. From temple waves with it's soft lines and spiral to the tormented sea of the Tsunami. Like reflections in water these new waves hold a powerful emotion like a recording of our times and subconsciously changing my style of art. Endurance portrays the strength and human willpower. Enjoy.
